About The Project

The ME-AMPUTEE Study is a Uk based research project that is aiming to explore what people who have had an amputation and undergone prosthetic rehabilitation think is a successful recovery or outcome.

Within healthcare we need to measure the result of the treatments we provide so we can tell if the treatment has worked or not. We do this using tools or questionnaires called outcome measures.

There are many different outcome measures used by services who deliver amputee rehabilitation and in research projects investigating new products and treatment techniques. Nationally we are not all using the same measures and it has been difficult to agree on what outcomes we need to measure and what tools should be used.

In this study we want to find out what people who have undergone an amputation think are the important aspects of recovery. We hope this will allow us to identify what really matters to people as they undertake life with a prosthesis. We can then identify the outcome measures that capture this and make recommendations to clinicians and researchers about what are the most meaningful measures to use from a patients perspective.

We hope a greater understanding of what really matters to patients will allow us to evaluate how well services deliver these important outcomes and then help provide direction in how and where to make improvements to care.

The project has is now closed to recruitment. 38 people across the UK have shared their individual thoughts and experiences with us, either in a group setting or one to one with a researcher. We are currently analysing the data we have collected and hope to share our findings here soon.

If you would like more information about this project please contact ku.shn.psohtrop@2reltso.letnahc

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